
The Oskaloosa Community School District has purchased a subscription to Paper, 24/7 online tutoring support, for all middle school and high school students.

Paper is there for your 24/7 while you are studying or working on assignments in any subject.

Use Paper to:

Get instant support

Start a chat session with a tutor.

➔ Share what you are stuck on and they will support you.

Ask questions to better understand a topic/problem

Upload an image of your work

➔ Let your tutor see the work you have done and they can help you understand the next steps.

Clarify assignment details

Show your teacher's instructions

➔ By uploading the details of your assignment during a live chat session, you can ask questions to get help on where to start.

Have a Paper tutor review your work

Upload your written work and get feedback

➔ Essays, poems, lab reports, short narratives and more can be submitted to Essay Review for feedback.

➔ Once you get feedback, start a tutoring session if you need help applying or understanding feedback received from Essay Review.


  • It's always ok to ask questions. That's what we're here for!
  • Don't worry about grammar when chatting with tutors. Just talk to them like you were texting a friend.
  • Use tools like file upload and the virtual whiteboard to help you ask questions.
  • Tutors won't just give you the answers! They will ask guiding questions to help you understand topics.