Stack of open textbooks

Curriculum Materials

Curriculum materials are defined as the primary resource used to teach the Iowa Core or National Standards for the grade level and subject area or course. The textbook itself is not the curriculum. The curriculum entails the full scope and sequence of the standards taught in the course. Please see the Standards portion of the website for information about the Iowa Core and OCSD prioritized standards. While the resources listed in the linked spreadhseets below are the primary, district approved text(s) being used; teachers may use professional judgement in selecting supplementary materials aligned to the standards that follow legal guidelines in order to meet the needs of all students. If you have questions about a particular resource used in a specific class, please contact the classroom teacher. Other inquiries should be directed to either the building principal or the director of curriculum and instruction.

*NOTE: the state of Iowa requires specific courses, standards, and topics to be taught from grades K to 12 for accredidation purposes. For more information see the chapter 12 matrix linked below.

*This spreadsheet is updated on an ongoing basis.

Arrows going in a circle.

Curriculum Review Process

Curriculum review is the process by which new materials are selected and supporting instructional planning documents are created. It is completed collaboratively through teacher teams facilitated by the director of curriculum and instruction. Oskaloosa is on a seven year cycle. This means that new primary materials are purchased every seven years. See the links below for more information.